Monday, December 06, 2004

Okay, I was lame and didn't blog for some time. I apologize. I intend to blog forth now. Remember the Fallujah assault that "broke the back of the insurgency across Iraq?" There are now over 150 attacks against US and Iraqi puppet, oh sorry, I meant interim government targets... A day. We average 4 to 5 dead Americans per day. Only Allah knows how many Iraqis are dying a day. We don't count them. The house leadership is tucking all kinds of bad stuff into Omnibus spending bills now (right for them to look at anyone's tax returns, right for private healthcare bureaucrats to deny you payment for exercising your right to an abortion, full funding for Bush's stupid return to the moon scheme, ad nauseum.)

I guess we who didn't vote for these morons no longer even get the right to have these things debated or even mentioned before they get shoved down our throats. When is the revolt scheduled? I swear I'll make time for it.

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