Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Long national nightmare ended?

Has it? I don't know. The fact that enough people rejected the current political trend and punished the intransigence of the Republican leadership is a good thing. It shows that we're still awake here and, while slow to react, eventually will.

But already the political discourse is changing. Democrats have a real opportunity to show that they can be sane, rational and fair, which is what the electorate hopes they will be, I'm guessing. The last bunch just kept blowing sunshine up our proverbial until people finally saw them to be the fantastical creatures they are, and sent them packing. How awesome to see Rick Santorum sent home with 38% of the vote. Little disturbing that Corrupt Conrad (Burns) ran as close as he did after all his malfeasance, but at least he lost. And George Allen, oh that was awesome. One less blowhard to worry about running in 08.

The best of it was, for the most part, the Reps secret weapon, scurrilous attack ads didn't save them. Maybe in the Tennessee Senate where racist appeals seem to work, but no where else. They lost all the other toss up seats in the Senate. Maybe the end is in sight for these ugly attacks. ;-) Okay, I know better than that.

But maybe some balance has been restored. Can't wait for January.

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