Friday, June 25, 2004

The Bush admin. hits a new low. The VP of the US told a US Senator to Fuck off on the floor of the Senate. And this is after Cheney started it by accosting Patrick Leahy and berating him for accusing Haliburton of war profiteering. When Leahy had the temerity to point out that the Republicans played much more dirty pool by accusing Senate Democrats of Anti-Catholic bias just because they opposed Bill Pryor, who happens to be a Catholic, for a judgeship, Cheney let loose with the profanity.

For the full story see:

Unfit to Govern.

By the way, Fahrenheit 9/11 is already breaking box-office records, beating out even Men in Black with wall-to-wall sold-out shows. And tonight, despite the right-wing campaigns to stop it, it will open at over 800 theaters across the country -- totally unprecedented for a documentary. Well over one hundred thousand MoveOn members will be there over the course of the weekend, and we hope you can come, too.

But this huge opening for Fahrenheit 9/11 is just the beginning. On Monday night, tens of thousands of MoveOn members are gathering at house parties across the country in "Turn Up the Heat," a nation-wide virtual town meeting with Michael Moore. Together, we'll take the enormous momentum of Fahrenheit 9/11 and channel it into strategic action to win back the White House.

There are over 1,400 house parties planned so far, from Delray Beach, Florida to Salem, Oregon. To find a party near you, or host one of your own, just go to:

Here's a sampling of what the critics have to say:

"As much as some might try to marginalize this film as a screed against President George Bush, "F9/11" -- as we saw last night -- is a tribute to patriotism, to the American sense of duty -- and at the same time a indictment of stupidity and avarice."
-- Roger Friedman, FOX NEWS

"Among the movies everyone should see this year--whatever your film taste or your political bent--Michael Moore's incendiary documentary 'Fahrenheit 9/11' heads the list. 'Fahrenheit' may provoke, delight or divide its audience. But no one will react indifferently to this shocking, sad and funny look at the Bush administration's handling of terrorism and the Iraqi war."
-- Michael Wilmington, CHICAGO TRIBUNE

"[A]n explosive and heart wrenching piece of cinema . . ."
-- Mark Salisbury, PREMIERE MAGAZINE

"It is worth seeing, debating and thinking about, regardless of your political allegiances."

Fahrenheit 9/11 may be the most important cultural event of this election cycle. Right-wing groups like Citizens United are complaining that the movie will help defeat Bush. Let's prove them right.

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