Friday, June 23, 2006

Desperate, Aren't they? Part 2

The pathetic grasping of the Republican congressional leadership continues. Rick Santorum, the soon to be defeated Senator from Pennsylvania and Peter Hoekstra, the chairman of the House Intelligence committee urged National Intelligence Director John Negroponte to release a report that 500 weapons containing Sarin or mustard gas had been found in Iraq so that they could claim WMD had been found and thus our reasons for war were vindicated.

Problem is these weapons were Iran-Iraq war era and are so degraded that they cannot function as designed. Former weapons inspector David Kay went so far as to say the Sarin would be less toxic at this point than stuff found under most folks' kitchen sinks. The mustard gas might still produce nasty burns but probably isn't lethal anymore. And these weren't stockpiles, but rather weapons found in ones and twos over many years, obviously not part of the Iraqi arsenal even for the first gulf war in 1991, much less this war. They were probably squirreled away and forgotten. Even the insurgency didn't know about them.

Sources inside the CIA confirm what Kay said. These were not the weapons we thought Iraq had prior to the war, and there continues to be no evidence of a reconstituted WMD program. Santorum and Hoekstra don't know when to stop making fools of themselves. Here's a link to the full story.

1 comment:

Dipu said...

I was flipping through the news channels the other day when I saw the headline on Fox News' Hannity & Colmes about finding WMDs in Iraq. In the two minutes I was able to stand, Hannity was already opining that Democrats owed Bush an apology immediately. (This must have been before that liberal haven called the Penatgon downplayed these claims). Colmes, shockingly, actually questioned Santorum's assertions strongly and even asked him to his face if he'd held this press conference because he was behind in the polls by 18 points. Then when they said Ann Coulter was coming up after the break to give her thoughts on the matter, I was outta there...