Wednesday, June 21, 2006

New Speak and Global Warming

An Inconvenient Truth has once again brought the naysayers out of their hidey holes and in large and loud numbers. You may have read some of the op-eds or heard some of the Oil-Comapany sponsored ads. They do a pretty good job of confusing the issue, which is precisely what they want to do. They want you to believe that climatologists have not reached concensus on the issue (which they have) and keep throwing out irrelevant "evidence" to sow the seeds of doubt.

Do not succumb. These issues are addressed by the scientists themselves. For the Climatolgists perspective, go to RealClimate. They address the so-called thickening of the Anartic ice sheet and sea level decline in the Artic and well as the PR campaign against An Inconvenient Truth, which they call "Thank You for Emitting," a reference to Thank You for Smoking, a book/movie about the lengths industry PR folks will go to to confuse the issues.

That site has numerous links to other good sites following Global Warming and other science sites. Check it out. Very good information there.

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