Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Can't be Safe AND Free?

When you complain about the lack of oversight of NSA spying, the right-wing rejoinder is better they "gather our phone number than our remains." This can only mean that without these programs, an attack will happen. Never mind that idea is not supported by anything but fantasy, the larger idea is that we cannot both be free AND safe. This is just as ludicrous. But I don't hear Tim Russert or any other objecting to this questionable logic. How would asking the NSA to submit to FISA oversight make an attack any more likely? We'd still be spying, just within the confines of the law. How is that bad?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tom, this is par for the Bush administration. If you are not a party loyalist then you are out. It reminds me of the now defunct Soviet Union. If you weren't a member of the Communist party you couldn't vote, you couldn't buy a car, you couldn't travel, you couldn't even shop at certain stores. It's all about the party. The Republican party has put there own self interests and President Bush's above the interests and the well being of the American people. What's up with that. The President and the Republican party were elected to serve the American people not the other way around. I am not here to serve them. That's not what the Founding Fathers intended. That's why we use to be a Democracy.