Monday, May 08, 2006

My email to Russert

I made the mistake of turning Meet the Press on Sunday. Of course, it spawned a letter.

"I was enjoying the exchange between Dan Balz and Todd Purdum on the May 7th show, when, inexplicably you bring in a Bush impersonator and give him an extraordinarily long time to promote his corporate event speaking business. The real news from the corespondents dinner was Stephen Colbert, but instead you give us this inoffensive hack. Nice.

April 30's show was even more maddening. How is having the Secretary of Energy, the head of the Oil Industry's trade organization and that Cramer guy on the panel with only Dick Durbin to balance their apologies for the oil industry fair? The Secretary of Energy says that Brazil is a model for efforts to become energy self-sufficient and you don't ask him what kind of lack of leadership in this country makes an emerging third world country more energy savvy than the leader of the free world?

And Frankly, your one on one interviews with politicians (Nancy Pelosi, Condi Rice for example) are worthless. They spout talking points and you play gotcha trying to catch them in contradictions. Makes me just want to switch the TV off. Panels are better and having more than one pol on is better to. At least then, the conversation doesn't seem so staged and follows a more organic path.

Please bring us balance, ask the tough questions and call people on their B.S. I wish you guys were more like the BBC shows."

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