Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Desperate, Aren't they?

As the news of republican-lobbyist-consultant pay for play sleaze continues to ooze from DC, the completely non-partisan FBI ;-)has done something, never, ever done in the past. It's raided a Congressman's office. More bad news for a Republican? No! This was on a black dem. Congressman from La., William Jefferson. How interesting that with all the Delays, Cunninghams, Neys, Burns and others out there implicated in slime, the FBI is trumpeting this case. No doubt the man is guilty. He was caught taking $100,000 payoffs and hiding the money in his freezer. Plus two guys who bribed him before are singing like canaries.

But it is clear that the Repubs wanted someone to cancel out Cunningham's conviction and distract from the Abramoff web of sleaze. I've already heard the yapping heads say the dems can't use "culture of corruption" any more to describe the Repubs now that one of their own has been snared.

Pathetic. It's like they don't understand what the word "culture" means. Jefferson is a lone bad wolf, working alone to enrich himself. What the Republicans have done is make moving your agenda in Congress dependent on contributions to get Republicans elected. That is a culture of corruption, by definition.

The great part is, no one is buying their claptrap and they look desperate. The sad, grand carnival continues.

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