Monday, May 22, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

I was hoping to stop with all the "outrage" posts and actually compose a modest proposal, but life intervened this weekend and I didn't get to it. But here's a plug for an very interesting film about global warming, starring Al Gore, the former next President of the United States. (He's the guy most of you voted for, but was passed over by the Supreme Court in favor of King George IV.)

The movie is An Inconvenient Truth, and it is a film version of the traveling road show on global warming Al's been doing for sometime. What he does is present all the evidence and likely consequences in a simple and clear way. It opens May 24th on the coasts and here at the Arbor June 16th. For more info go here.

Pledge to see it the first weekend. Should be good.

Of course, the Oil companies aren't taking this laying down Their stooge, called the Competitive Enterprise Institute, whose mission is to spin all science to match their credo that the Free Market is the answer to everything, is fighting back with ads running May 18 to May 28, that would make Joe Goebbels proud. Here's a expose of CEI.

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